Grey Reef: The Reef was recently bumped to 3,000 CFS. We are still seeing PMDs and BWOs, and Caddis are just starting to show face. With the recent bump in water, San Juans and Rock Worms are a safe bet to have on your nymph rig. This water level also opens up ample opportunity for streamer eats.
Miracle Mile: The Mile is moving at a clean 1,500 CFS. The Mile is fishing pretty consistently, espeically with large PMDs. Any day now we expect Pat’s Rubber Legs to be productive as well.
Fremont Canyon: Fremont was also recently bumped to 600 CFS. Though this does take away some wade fishing opportinuty, it is still fishing well. The bump in water makes leeches, San Juans, and Rock Worms safe choices when setting up your rig.
You can also listen to our fishing reports on the Articulate Fly Podcast featuring our guide Dustin White. Here is the link to check it out: