We are proud to introduce our latest brand, Hatch Outdoors. Hatch’s products that you can buy in-store and online are their top of the line Finatic Reel. In addition, we are carrying their nippers and boat decals as well. So come into the shop and check them out. Also, don’t forget you can buy them online at https://uglybugflyshop.crazyrainbow.net/.
Fishing Update:
Fishing as of late has been very good. Pertaining to bugs, not a whole lot has changed. Recommended flies are eggs and worms as they continue to produce well. Many midge patterns have been working too.
Water levels are expected to continue to rise, however, no hard dates or amounts have been set.
Current Flows:
The Reef is at 2000cfs, he Mile is at 32oocfs and Fremont is at 70cfs.
Here’s a pic of one of reels Hatch Outdoors offers: