When out fly fishing most fisherman are looking to target their dream trophy sized trout. When you hook into what you think might just be that fish you realize that it is in fact a carp or “trash fish” . The disappointment then hits and you realize it wasn’t your dream fish but a bottom dwelling hardy carp. What most don’t realize is that these fish can in fact be some of the hardest fighting and tougher fish species to catch on a fly rod and can be a worth while catch. Carp can grow to enormous sizes and can be thrill to target. Over at the Ugly Bug Fly Shop and Crazy Rainbow fly fishing we now offer the opportunity to target these hard fighting fish. With flats boats at the ready we can guide you out on the flats of Pathfinder Reservoir to target these giant carp. This provides for one of the closet forms of saltwater style fly fishing that you can get in north western region of the country where saltwater is a trek to reach. When searching for these fish you get the opportunity to sight fish for these schools of carp similar to fishing for redfish on the gulf. In the most recent release of The Drake Magazine Ugly Bug/Crazy Rainbow guide Dustin White discusses the process behind targeting these fish and how it can be an exciting thrill to fish despite having trophy blue ribbon trout waters nearby. Dustin’s article goes in depth to the challenge of getting near carp and how fishing on a flats boat allows you to get up close and personal to these typically spooky fish. It is a worth while read and if you are interested in a new experience in the fly fishing world we highly recommend you give it a shot!
Here’s a link to get the most recent edition of The Drake magazine so you can give this article a read from one of our own Dustin White!
Book your trip with us here: Crazy Rainbow Guided Trip Reservations or call the shop at (307) 232-882
Ugly Bug Fly Shop and Crazy Rainbow Fly Fishing is honored to be your go to fly shop and guide service in Casper, Wyoming. We offer guided fly fishing trips, lodging accommodations, educational courses, as well as the best advice in the west. Stop in the store or find us online! We offer free shipping on all online orders over $50. New Crazy Rainbow Fishing Reports every Monday!
Got some fish pics you would like to share? Shoot them to us in an email to nathant@uglybugflyshop.com
The Ugly Bug Crew