Well, with the start of October the wind had reared its ugly head once again! Today was not that bad compared to Monday. With that said watch the dreaded W report because it is worth getting out. Mark landed this nice Brown on the upper section today. Also landed some nice rainbows and lost a few also!
The report on the upper is the section right below the dam is fishing great. The first few runs also fished well, we took out at WIND ISLAND today. Still a large selection of moss the rest of the way down but if you find open lanes that’s where the fish are. Had some good bug activity in the morning but with the afternoon wind the hatch was put down. Leech was a good pattern today with some Baetis coming off so some little bugs where also working well. Moss is dying and starting to float away so fishing is just going to get better from here! Book a trip!!
Tight Lines