Well I am leaving today for an adventure to Mongolia. If you haven’t heard, Crazy Rainbow Fly Fishing is starting to host destination trips around the globe. For those of you that are not quite sure where Mongolia is, it is located between Russia and China. We will be targeting three different species of fish Taimen, Lenok, and Grayling.
Most Everyone has some knowledge of Grayling so I wont go into great detail about this fun and exciting fish.Taimen are the big boy trout.They are known to live over 40 years and can reach 70 inches in length. These fish are aggressive feeders and will take large poppers, gurglers, and mice on the surface. Lenok are the Siberian equivalent to a Brown Trout and love to eat the local mayfly hatches on the surface.
Here are a few patterns that I have been tying at the vise in anticipation for the trip. I will be back from this adventure at the end of Aug and will have a bunch of photos and video for everyone to check out. If you are interested in finding out more about next years hosted trip I would be glad to provide information when I return.
Tight lines,
Blake Jackson
Ugly Bug/Crazy Rainbow fly fishing and Wing shooting
(307) 234 6905
CELL# 307 315 0204