Crazyrainbow Fly Fishing, Casper Wyoming

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Fishing Report 08/14/2024

Report for the Grey Reef and Miracle Mile

Fishing Report 08/14/2024

We’ve been sticking to the uppermost section of the Grey Reef. Water temps are still in the safe zone on the top 15 miles or so. Squirmy worms and caddis are fishing best on the Grey Reef and Mile. Flows are still sitting at 3500 CFS on the Grey Reef which is great for water temps but not ideal for those of you wade fishing.


We urge you to be mindful of both flows and water temps. These flows are not safe for wading. As we sit in the warmest part of the summer, it is always smart to check water temps before fishing- even at high flows. We will link our new favorite temp checker down below. The Cling Temperature Tape sticks to your net or any hard surface to make temp checking a breeze. It is also color coded and easy to read! 

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Picture of Blake Jackson

Blake Jackson

Aliquam sed ante facilisis, rhoncus lectus ac, volutpat lacus. Sed varius auctor nunc, sit amet faucibus sapien aliquam sit amet. Praesent condimentum dignissim convallis. Curabitur elementum mi ipsum, eget pretium orci fermentum ut. Praesent aliquam ligula quis interdum aliquam. Sed augue est, blandit eu bibendum tempor, tempus in justo. Vivamus in lacus tincidunt metus fermentum faucibus eget ut nibh. Ut viverra urna quis lectus malesuada, id ultricies libero vehicula. Nunc tempor efficitur purus, sed pretium metus pretium eu. Duis iaculis dapibus venenatis. Morbi consectetur elementum purus non dapibus.

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