Crazyrainbow Fly Fishing, Casper Wyoming

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Low water and lots of fish! That is what is currently happening on the North Platte now. We are seeing lower than usual flows for this time of the year, but it certainly has not had a negative impact on the fish. We just finished up with one of great return groups which come from Texas, to take advantage of the great fishing that the Platte has to offer. North-Platte-FishingThis year was certainly no exception as all of the clients left with huge smiles on their faces. For most, this was the first time that any of them had seen a fly rod. This has to be one of the most rewarding aspects of being a guide!

The top bugs as of late have been barr’s emerger pmd, cdc pmd, mercer’s poxyback pmd, jackson’s sally, hare’s ear, iron sally, split case pmd. We have been running anywhere from 3-5ft with a #1 or ‪#‎bb‬ weight. We have also been greeted with some pretty fantastic dry fly fishing as well. The tricos are showing up daily (about month early) with many fish there eager to greet them. Spoke with the bureau of rec and they stated that they would not be increasing the flows until Glendo was below the flood stage. They forecasted it would probably be sometime closer to the end of the month or the first part of July.

Hooked up!


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Picture of devop101


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