Crazyrainbow Fly Fishing, Casper Wyoming

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MIRACLE MILE FLY FISHING, watch out for redds


River Level/Conditions: 8,000 cfs / Average clarity
Hatches: Midges
Forecast: Please Call.

Please use extreme caution when wading with these high flows.  Nymph fishing is strong with eggs, san juan worms, half backs and stone fly patterns. Check road conditions to the mile that road can get a little nasty this time of year.

Locally Effective Fly Patterns:

Rock worm 12-18 (red)– pine squirrel leech 10 (brown, black) – mohair leech 10 (black, Canadian brown)- scuds 12-16 (olive/gray, orange, gray/purple)-hunchback scud 12-14 (orange, olive/red, tan)- Mini Sculpin 10 (burnt orange, black, natural) – tailwater tiny 18-22 (black, olive)- not so much 20 (black, olive)- little thing 20 (black, olive)- zebra midge 20 (red, black)- v-wing emerger (black, gray) 20-22 – miracle midge 20 – black beauty 20 – trout crack 20 – chocolate emrger 20-22 – barr’s midge larva (tan, black, olive) 20,22

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Picture of devop101


Aliquam sed ante facilisis, rhoncus lectus ac, volutpat lacus. Sed varius auctor nunc, sit amet faucibus sapien aliquam sit amet. Praesent condimentum dignissim convallis. Curabitur elementum mi ipsum, eget pretium orci fermentum ut. Praesent aliquam ligula quis interdum aliquam. Sed augue est, blandit eu bibendum tempor, tempus in justo. Vivamus in lacus tincidunt metus fermentum faucibus eget ut nibh. Ut viverra urna quis lectus malesuada, id ultricies libero vehicula. Nunc tempor efficitur purus, sed pretium metus pretium eu. Duis iaculis dapibus venenatis. Morbi consectetur elementum purus non dapibus.

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